Find out about fees and payments on Bakesale.
This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By opening a Bakesale store, you’re agreeing to the Terms of Use including this policy.
1. Types of Fees
Sellers may be required to pay the following types of fees. Please note that all fees are listed inclusive of Goods and Services Tax ("GST") that may apply. See the Taxes section below for further details.
No Directory Fees
Bakesale does not charge fees to add your store to the directory. A directory listing functionality to personalise your store site, adding images to the gallery, store logo and information, seller information, and receiving requests for quotes and communication via email.
A directory listing does not include adding products for sale online or managing quote payments online.
By adding products to your store under the 'Products' tab, you are entering the marketplace and agreeing to sell your products online and the associated fees.
No Listing Fees
Bakesale does not charge a listing fee. So, you are free to set-up your store and list products for sale at no cost. There are only fees for when you sell your products online.
Commission Fee
When you make a sale through bakesale you will be charged a Commission Fee of 10% of the sale price.
The sale price includes all add-on products and services for personalisation and gift wrapping. If you offer optional personalisation for an additional fee, the additional fee for personalisation is added to the listing price you display and the total display price is subject to the same Commission Fee described in this section.
The Commission Fee is deducted from your account as each sale occurs, and is reflected in your payment account on the Dashboard and on the order.
No Fees on Delivery Costs
Commission fees do not apply to your delivery costs for either postage or courier service (delivering the product to your customer). So you don't need to charge more than the real delivery fees.
No Payment Processing Fees or Transaction Fees
Bakesale uses Stripe for payments on the platform. Third-party payment systems charge both transaction fees and a percentage fee of sales. Bakesale does not on-charge these Payment Processing Fees.
How we Distribute Funds
Bakesale uses Direct Deposit to distribute funds to Sellers and there is no additional expense. The distribution is the sales minus the Commission Fee plus any delivery costs. Funds are distributed on a weekly schedule via the Store's nominated bank account on all orders that have been completed in the previous week.
Delivery Costs
Bakesale offers Sellers the ability to offer delivery with costs including courier and postage services, and in certain locations third-party delivery services. These fees are the responsibility of the Seller. The Seller should ensure they set their store delivery costs correctly for the distance and times available.
Sellers are able to offset the costs of delivery fees, such as third-party providers and charge a reduced cost for delivery. for example, charging $10 for delivery within 15 km, while the third party provider costs are in excess of $10. This is entirely at the Seller's discretion and should be factored into the listing price and delivery costs.
Postage Fees
Sellers may offer to post their products and should take care to correctly advise on the costs of postage for their products. If Sellers offer postage they must also provide the costs of postage for each product within Australia.
Sellers are responsible for the postage costs and charging of postage fees for their orders. The cost of the postage will depend on the delivery carrier, and the origin, destination, weight, and dimensions of the package. If you add signature confirmation or insurance, those fees can be added to the total cost of the postage.
Sellers may wish to offset the cost of postage, either partially or in full, therefore offering free postage. This is at the Seller's discretion.
2. Fee avoidance
Any action by a Seller to avoid paying a fee is considered fee avoidance and is strictly prohibited by Bakesale. This includes, for example, encouraging buyers to purchase an item in your Bakesale store through another venue. A transaction initiated on Bakesale may not be completed off of Bakesale.
The price stated in each listing description must be an accurate representation of the sale. Sellers may not alter the item's price after a sale for the purpose of avoiding Bakesale fees, misrepresent the item’s location, or use another user's account without permission.
3. Paying your Bakesale Commission Fees
Bakesale will automatically deduct all fees owed from your payment account. By enrolling in Bakesale you authorise Bakesale to charge Commission Fees from your sales funds prior to remitting your payment account with the balance.
4. Taxes
You are responsible for collecting and paying any taxes associated with using and making sales through Bakesale’s services.
Bakesale does not apply tax (GST) to your products or sales. Sellers need to list prices inclusive of GST. Please include all applicable taxes in your listing prices.
Bakesale does not collect or remit taxes on your behalf.
This policy was published on 11 July 2022. Updated 1 August 2023. Updated 12 November 2024.